Page 18 - SCIENCE
P. 18

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         1st  Grade                                                                        THE  BONE  SYSTEM

          10  Observe  the  following  drawing  of  a  bone  and  write  the  name  of  its  parts  in  the  blank  spaces.

          11  Write  two  characteristics  of  the  bones:


          12  Answer:  a)
               What  is  the  function  of  the  skeletal  system?  b)  How  many  bones  make  up  the  human  body?
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                     for  your  notebook

         13  What  is  the  name  of  the  substance  found  inside  the  bones?


         14  What  organs  does  the  thorax  protect?


                                                                    The  skeleton  grows  up
                                                                        to  twenty  years.

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