Page 26 - SCIENCE
P. 26

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            THE  MUSCULAR  SYSTEM                                                                   1st  Grade


             5    Write  two  differences  between  bones  and  muscles.

                                    Bones                                      muscles

             6  Fill  in  the  blanks  with  the  words  from  the  box.

                       soft  –  muscles  –  stretch  –  move  –  shrink

                  •  The ______________ they  shape  our  body  and  are  ________________  and  elastic.

                  •  Muscles  allow  movement  ____________  of  our  body.
                  •  Muscles   ____________  to  produce  movement.
                                  _____________  and  I  know

             7  Write  the  name  of  the  indicated  muscles.

                                                                                  SCIENCE  AND  ENVIRONMENT
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