Page 29 - SCIENCE
P. 29

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                                                                                             The  skin

                                                              The  skin  covers  our  entire  body.
                                                              Thanks  to  it  we  can  perceive  different  conditions,
                                                              such  as  softness  or  hardness,  temperature,
                                                              roughness  and  roughness.

                                                              The  skin  has  two  layers:
                                                              •  Epidermis:  It  is  the  outer  layer  where  the  pores
                                                                  and  hairs  that  we  can  touch  are  located.

                                                              •  Dermis:  It  is  the  inner  layer  of  the  skin,  where
                                                                  the  muscles  are.

                                                                       Did  you  know  that  we
                                                                      eliminate  sweat  through
                                                                            the  pores?


          1  Put  true  (T)  or  false  (F)  as  appropriate:
               a)  The  skin  is  blue.                            (    )
               b)  The  skin  allows  us  to  perceive  roughness.  (   )

               c)  The  skin  has  three  layers.                  (    )
               d)  In  the  skin  we  find  the  sense  of  touch.  (   )

          2  Complete:
               The  skin  has   ______________  layers  that  are  ____________________  and  __________________.

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