Page 3 - Sales Sheet 2023 Januari
P. 3
L : 5”, 12.5 cm
W: 4.25”, 11 cm
H : 4”, 10 cm
Da Vinci’s models revolutionized
science and philosophy. As aesthetes
we value science and beauty
combined. Such fragile beauty tops
many other art forms. Simplicity
and beauty win the day!
#DA102 Da Vinci Tetrahedron
L : 4”, 10 cm
W: 4”, 10 cm
H : 4”, 10 cm
Not just a perfectly made mahogany
cube. It turns any object placed
inside turn into art. A 16th C.
Ivory Maria. A scientific instrument.
An orange…. a small hand
cut precious paper castle.
#DA100 Da Vinci Hexahedron
L : 5”, 13 cm
W: 5”, 13 cm
H : 4.50”, 11.5 cm
Da Vinci himself a multitalented
genius. Painter. Architect. Scientist.
Never ceasing to be inquisitive.
Liked to teach. Able to draw a drop
of water breaking surface. Observed
it. In a way our models represent
his mind.
#DA104 Da Vinci Dodecahedron
SpiceTrails, Inc.
2601 West 5th Avenue 1
Suite B, Eugene, Oregon 97402
(541) 313-6112