Page 7 - Sales Sheet 2023 Januari
P. 7

KUNSTKAMMER                                                                              2023

                                                                                          Rings that Bind Large
                                                                                          L : 10.50”, 26.5 cm
                                                                                          W: 7”, 17.5 cm
                                                                                          H : 6”, 15.5 cm

                                                                                          Rings that Bind Small
                                                                                          L : 6.25”,16 cm
                                                                                          W: 4.25”, 11 cm
                                                                                          H : 4”, 10 cm

                                                                                          A bronze and silver ring sculpturally
                                                                                          twisted together. Timeless beauty,
                                                                                          true symbolism. Love their perfection
                                                                                          and symbolism.

                                                                                          Two sizes, very large and large.
                                                                                          Table art, not wearable.

                                  SpiceTrails, Inc.
                                  2601 West 5th Avenue                                                     5
                                  Suite B, Eugene, Oregon 97402
                                  (541) 313-6112
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