Page 19 - MKT-EBOOK-SC-V.1 2021-05-26_Neat
P. 19

Best Value Solution for HPC, AI and VDI

       The series could further support up to 8 SATA       Model Name    P47G4
       GULYHV   RU     6$7$  ZLWK     8    190H  GULYHV    Positioning   HPC/GPGPU
       without any extra attachment of HBA cards;          Form Factor   2U1N rack mount with slide rail
       meanwhile, two onboard M.2 NVMe disks are           Processor     Single Socket; AMD  EPYC  Processor Family
       supported.                                          Memory Slot     [ ''5  ',00 VORW
                                                           Chipset       SoC, supporting 128 PCIe Gen3 lanes
       SoC-level Security                                  Disk Drive Bay  Front Primary Bay:
       :LWK LQGXVWU\ɦV ࡅUVW HPEHGGHG [   VLOLFRQ OHYHO                   2SWLRQ    [    ܸ 6$7$   *E V KRW SOXJ GULYH
       data security, P47G4 series minimize potential                    2SWLRQ    [    ܸ 6$7$   *E V    [ 190H
                                                                         hot-plug drive
       attack surfaces and protects software and data                    Supporting 2x onboard M.2 NVMe drive
       with AMD  Secure Root-of-Trust, AMD  Secure
                     ®                                     Expansion Slot  Front (Option):
       Run, and AMD  Secure Move Technologies.
                                                                          [ 3&,H *HQ  2&3     $ % PH]] IRU 1,& ,%
       Single Socket Server Cost Benefits for Enter-                      [ 3&,H *HQ  [   IRU *3*38  'RXEOH ZLGH
       prise Business and Datacenter Applications                        FHFL)
       Buy only what you need to support your critical                    [ 3&,H *HQ  [   IRU 1,& ,%  )++/
       applications. P47G4 series are specialized in       Network       Supporting 10GbE/25GbE standard PCIe
       VDI and AI (deep learning) arena, applicable        Controller    network card
       for  High-Performance-Computing,  Cloud,                          Supporting 10GbE/25GbE/100GbE Mezz
       Virtualized IT, Machine Learning, as well as Big                  card
                                                                         Inventec network OCP mezz card options:
       Data.  Right-size your server and datacenter,
       without extra CPU or socket, no additional heat
                                                                         1,& ,      *'  'XDO SRUW   *E 6)3
       sink or redundant connectivity components now                     Option2:
       with P47G4 server systems!                                        NIC-I540-10GDC (Dual port 10Gb RJ-45)
                                                           Storage       Native support from CPU:
                                                           Controller     [ 6$7$   *E V SRUW
                                                                         2x U.2 NVMe port
                                                                         2x M.2 NVMe socket
                                                           System        ,30,     FRPSOLDQW   .90 ZLWK 'HGLFDWHG /$1
                                                           TPM           2.0
                                                           Power Supply      UHGXQGDQF\
                                                                             : 3ODWLQXP
                                                           Fan               UHGXQGDQF\
                                                                              KRW VZDS IDQ

                     ®   at core

       Inventec Enterprise Business Group (EBG) was
       established in 1998 and has been focusing
       on the design and manufacturing of server
       systems. Inventec EBG is the key server system
       supplier of the global branding clients.

       Inventec Corporation (TAO)
       No.88, Dazhi Rd., Taoyuan Dist.,
       7DR\XDQ &LW\        7DLZDQ

       Inventec logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Inventec Corporation.  $OO WLWOH DQG LQWHOOHFWXDO SURSHUW\ ULJKWV LQ DQG WR WKLV GRFXPHQW  WKH 6SHFLࡅFDWLRQV
       All trademarks and logos are the properties of their representative holders.  and photos contained therein, remain the exclusive property of Inventec or its
                                                                  VXSSOLHUV  ,QYHQWHF UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR PRGLI\ WKLV GRFXPHQW  WKH 6SHFLࡅFDWLRQV
                                                                  and photos from time to time without notifying the Party.
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