Page 23 - Advanced Romance
P. 23

20 Advanced Romance*
should assume that evolution and biology are involved in all of our love choices—no matter how spiritual or intellectual they seem.
Thus, mating is not wholly personal—or even very personal in many cases. So each person in a mating duo can have compassion for the other because we are dancing a dance that was crafted over hundreds of millions of years, and one that sometimes leads us as much as we lead it.
If you do concede the science I’ve presented thus far dear romantic reader, how does that make you
look at your mate now, if you have one? They are still the luminous creature that made you fall head over heels. But now they have the power of two billion
years behind them. You were railroaded! You were wondrously, tenderly trapped by evolution’s designs. But it wasn’t totally your mate’s fault. It was evolution and your mate’s brilliance, grace and beauty. Even though your mate probably didn’t know they were harnessing evolution. And you didn’t know you were being harnessed by it either. It is odd however. This person, this evolutionary monster with your name imprinted on it, captured you, put you in the most gilded of cages. Ahhh. Or phooey!
We should launch a national science effort to understand and enhance love! We have launched many national efforts to cure or control other natural phenomena such as cancer or floods. As Saul Bellow’s

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