Page 29 - Advanced Romance
P. 29

26 Advanced Romance*
Here’s hoping nature has relationship-railroaded you towards a wondrously tender trap, steering you towards life-long bliss. But, given the 50% divorce rate, it’s almost as likely that it’s a booby trap, leading to short-term end. But now, knowing the forces behind it, you have compassion and humor in your attitude about what’s going on, and you can un-objectify them should the mating end. Maybe to the point where you can still be friends.
Or you can conclude that you and your lover made a mostly objective decision to take an oath to mate for life, and you can be as vengeful as possible should they renege on what was a totally free decision. Both views are possible and can be made with integrity.
But also know that evolution wants desperately for you not to study the person you’ve fallen in love with. It just wants you to procreate ASAP with a healthy specimen. Yet if you’re truly able to assimilate the new realities, you will at least try to understand them, and be much more careful when falling in love. Forces of society, nature and personal choice have pushed you together.
Thus, the incredibly giddy feeling, the limerence, you have around your newly beloved may be partly evolution ramping up your emotions. Watch it turn your day upside down. See it as an invading presence that you can act on or not. But the invader is partly evolution and partly the virtues of the person inspiring it. It is

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