Page 57 - Advanced Romance
P. 57

54 Advanced Romance* 1. To avoid loneliness:
The drive for lasting friendships and a stable support system makes the following oath almost irresistible
for many: “I swear to be your best friend, lover and roommate for the rest of my life, and to support you financially and emotionally no matter what.”
This promise reinforces the wondrous human need for society, for a tribe of at least two, and so brings to bear all the evolutionary tidal-waving tendencies to
be in a family, tribe, city and nation. It does this by providing the sexual glue that helps two people be a family, tribe, city and nation of two!
Despite the almost 50% breakup rate, a good romance still promises the best insurance against loneliness by securing a roommate. And if married this connection is strengthened and becomes a very tough proposition to break. To do so may involve vast legal implications, broken hearts and, who knows, maybe severe physical brutality or even murder. Not to mention loss of one’s best friend and most reliable shield against loneliness. All this to get a good roommate!
There is another potent weapon against the formidable foe of loneliness: nonsexual roommates. Not only does a good, sane, clean roommate put a major dent into loneliness, but they also help deal with finances.
According to a CBS survey of the 2010 U.S. Census, 27%, or over 32 million people, live alone in the US. This

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