Page 58 - Advanced Romance
P. 58

Advanced Romance* 55
figure increased from 17% in the 1970 Census.30
There’s no statistic telling how many of these people
have extra bedrooms, but if you do, there’s little reason to live alone. Yes, horrible roommates are a likely story. But if you set up rigorous standards at the get-go (not to the extent of Big Bang’s Sheldon necessarily) then you can find someone acceptable and maybe even great.
If you have an extra bedroom you hold the upper hand, because many people need affordable housing. Invite an already well-known friend, or specify the interests and habits of your potential unknown roommate, assure their bank account exists or they have a recent W-2 pay stub, and give it a shot.
Or not:
Them that’s got shall have
And them that’s not shall lose
So the bible says and it’s still news
Moma may have and Papa may have
But God bless the child that’s got his own31
The Huffington Post reported that 37% of women older than age 65 now live alone. Technology, safe planned communities, pets and many other factors are making it feasible for women and men to live alone, but still have ready access to company. Continues the article:
More importantly, the majority of these women are happy living alone and wouldn’t want to

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