Page 9 - Advanced Romance
P. 9

V. VI.
Advanced Romance*
human love is mostly a mental/spiritual event. The fundamentalism that romantic love is
highly personal. Of course it is. What could
be more intimately personal? But if evolution has anything to do with human romance, then romantic love is also impersonal.
The fundamentalism that the relationship grass is greener on the other side of the hill.
The Fundamentalism that relationship discussions must be knock-down-drag-out confrontations with anything from yelling, tears, broken furniture, physical abuse ... all the way to suicide and murder.
The fundamentalism that sex makes babies. Birth control has changed this drastically, obviously, but it hasn’t changed many attitudes that go with it.
The fundamentalism that different types of
sex will doom their practitioners to hellacious unhappiness, actual eternal Hell, or cause
the entire society to collapse in Sodom and Gomorrah catastrophe.
The fundamentalism that God or the universe has created one person for you to mate with. The fundamentalism that your relationship is
a failure if it doesn’t last forever. Or, to put it
a different way, the only mentally healthy and morally acceptable sexual relationship is one

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