Page 5 - Junior School Clubs and Societies 2020-2021
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  Chamber Strings
Chamber Strings is an enthusiastic group of string players from various year groups who are above Grade 2. The aim is to push the more able boys to a higher standard than is possible in the larger ensembles, and to encourage greater levels of musicianship by increasing aural awareness and the general expectation of achievement of quality.
Big Choir
This is a 160 strong choir who meet regularly to share in a range of music from classical, pop, folk and even rap! The Choir sing at all of the school concerts, carol services and other events. The boys are trained to sing in unison and also in two and three parts. Recent trips have included a concert at Gloucester Cathedral, the O2 Arena and Genting Arena as part of ‘Young Voices’ and Blenheim Palace. They were also finalists in the National Music Festival.
Micro Choir
This is an elite group for about 40 boys who audition for the Micro Choir by singing a song of their own choice, after regularly attending Big Choir. They sing in parts and performed Sam Young’s (OW) ‘Lux Noque’ at the Royal Albert Hall as well as singing Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral and Coventry Cathedral. Their performances have received great acclaim at several venues across the country. Their most recent performance of a major work was Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’ with the Warwick Foundation Choir.
Clarinet Group
This is a group which encourages boys to develop their finger skills, controlling breathing and playing in a relaxed environment. Regular contribution to concerts is seen as a goal for all.
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