Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletter-JulyAugust-2023.indd
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        The last six weeks of the year can be fi lled with   •  Be creative. After a lazy day at a museum,   •  Give the gift of time. Skip the hassle of
        anxiety because most of us aren’t prepared for   browse the gift shop, where you’ll fi nd   shopping and arrange an experience with
        the strain that comes with the one-two punch   unique pieces and items that appeal to a   a loved one. Your friends and family will
        of Thanksgiving and December holidays.   loved one’s special interest. For example,   warm to a baking session, board game fun,
        However, a little advance planning can   earrings in the form of a friend’s favorite   an  at-home  dinner  with  a  movie,  or  any
        eliminate stress during the holidays. So here   painting will be valued more than a   other social activity with you.
        are a few tips to help you chill out:  traditional set of hoops. Or surprise   These strategies will keep the end of the year
                                              your astronomy-obsessed friend with a
        •  Surprise loved ones. Once you  stop                                    stress-free. Without anxiety, holidays can be
          shopping out of obligation, you will focus   membership to the local science museum.  what they are supposed to be — an enjoyable
          on people you have a strong bond with,   •  Travel with a shopping list. Loved   time with loved ones.
          so thinking of presents that delight should   ones will treasure a treat from your latest   Source:
          be a snap.                          vacation more than the t-shirt emblazoned

        •  Shop around the calendar. Don’t wait   with the destination’s name. The dollar
          until November. Instead, gather gifts   may stretch far enough in some countries   early-shopping-tips/438022
          throughout the year. After-holiday and   to cover a local specialty like a bold tea or
          July sales o er tremendous discounts. Not   unique fashion.    nance/

          only will you get good deals, but you will                              how-to-deal-with-holiday-fi nancial-stress-and-
          also avoid crowds.                                                      anxiety/#manage-stress

        On The Rise: NON DAIRY ICE CREAM
        If you’ve given up dairy, you don’t have   chip, fudge brownie, and salted caramel.
        to give up on fun because non-dairy ice   Unlike previous generations of “healthy”
        cream has gone mainstream. In addition to   ice cream, these new versions have a
        boutique brands and independent vendors,   luxurious mouth feel and rich tastes.
        major companies o  er the frozen treat
        without a milk base.                 When choosing a pint, remember that you
                                             are still shopping for dessert. The ice cream
        Recent  increases  in  the  drive  to  have  a   won’t have any dairy products; however,
        plant-forward diet and concern for the   it  may  have  a  similar  nutrient  profi le  as  its
        environment, coupled with innovations   conventional cousin. While the product is
        in preparation, have made ice cream that   dairy-free, it does not make it the “healthier”
        contains no milk products one of the grocery   or “better” ice cream treat.
        store's fastest-growing items.
        Cashew, oat, soy, almond, or coconut milk
        commonly serve as the base for non-dairy   https://www.verywellfi
        ice cream. Each brings a unique fl avor and   ice-creams-4694541
        texture to this treat. In addition, producers
        make vegan ice cream in interesting fl avors,   global-vegan-ice-cream-market-report-2022-
        such as dark chocolate, cherry cashew, mint   opportunity-and-forecasts-301578963.html
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