Page 3 - ROOT by Brock September October 22
P. 3


        After a hard workout or game, the body   to increased muscle soreness, worsening
        is often fatigued and dehydrated. Not   fatigue, inadequate nutrient intake, reduced
        only should you congratulate yourself on   performance,  and  the  inability  to  repair
        an excellent performance, but you should   muscle and improve strength from the
        thank your body for working so hard. The   previous session. After working so hard, you
        best way to repay yourself is to refuel and   must help your body by giving it the fuel
        nourish your body properly.         needed to excel in the future.
        Post-game fueling is crucial for your   Remember, every person has different
        health to replenish energy and electrolytes.   needs, including nutrient requirements.
        Immediately  after  completing  an  intense   The best practices are to make sure you are
        activity, you should begin to rehydrate   listening to your body, taking time to rest,
        your body. Water is the best choice when   ensuring you are adequately nourishing
        your activities are about an hour or less.   yourself, and staying hydrated. If you
        For activities that are longer than an hour,   have concerns regarding your health and
        sports drinks may be more beneficial to   performance, it is recommended to check in
        rehydrate and replenish lost electrolytes.   with your doctor. If you need help to meet   ask the rdN:
        Then, within 60 minutes of the completed   your nutrient needs, consider working with
        movement,  you  should  consume  quality   an RDN specializing in sports nutrition.   IS THE “LITE” VERSION OF FOOD
        carbohydrates and some lean protein to   Source:                          HEALTHIER THAN THE ORIGINAL?
        help your body rebuild muscle and gain                                    Light or Lite versions of food generally indicate
        strength and energy back. 
                                            factsheets/fuelling-recovery/recovery-  that this food has been manipulated and suggests
        Some examples of quality post-game fueling   nutrition/                   that it is processed food or ultra-processed food.
        meals could be a salad with chicken breast,                               These items have added ingredients like sugar,
        Greek yogurt with nuts and fruit, turkey and  salt, sweeteners, additives, or preservatives to
        veggies on a whole-grain wrap, or a smoothie   exercise-nutrition/timing-your-pre-and-  achieve the original food’s flavor and texture.
        with milk and fruit. If you do not fuel your   post-workout-nutrition     For example, light salad dressing will be lower
        body after a game or intense workout, you  in fat than its original counterpart; however, it
        could experience several unpleasant side   lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise/art-  will usually be higher in added sugars, sodium,
        effects and increase your risk for an injury.   20045506                  or both. If you like dressing, it would be better
        Insufficient intake of quality meals can lead                             to use a mixture of oil/vinegar that you have
                                                                                  prepared and use sparingly. Some oils have
                                                                                  health benefits, and it would be better for
                                                                                  the body to use the oil in place of the ultra-
                                                                                  processed salad dressing.

                                                                                  TRANS FAT NOW APPEARS ON THE
                                                                                  FOOD LABEL; HOWEVER, I HEAR
                                                                                  A FOOD MIGHT STILL BE BAD FOR
                                                                                  YOU IF THERE IS NO TRANS FAT.
                                                                                  HOW CAN I TELL IF I AM MAKING
                                                                                  THE RIGHT CHOICE EVEN IF IT IS
                                                                                  FREE OF TRANS FATS?
                                                                                  It is important to read the ingredient labels on
                                                                                  the foods that you purchase. “Hydrogenated
                                                                                  oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil” can have
                                                                                  adverse effects on the body.  These oils act like
                                                                                  trans fat and are absorbed and digested like
                                                                                  trans or saturated fat, so it is best to limit these
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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