Page 4 - ROOT by Brock January February 22
P. 4


        Lavender is  a flower grown readily  in   You can help calm your body from the
        lavender fields, backyards, or pots on the   inside out by drinking lavender tea.  You
        patio and is known for its sweet fragrant   can purchase lavender tea prepackaged, or
        scent.  The plant has tiny purple flowers   if you grow your lavender, you can steep
        that  bloom beautifully;  sometimes  these   fresh lavender buds for 15 to 20 minutes in
        miniature flowers look like they are covered   boiling water and enjoy!
        in white fuzz. Lavender is part of the mint   Another fun way to use lavender is to
        family, and during ancient times it was   experiment with dried lavender by adding it
        praised as a holy herb.
                                             to recipes. You can incorporate it in cookies,
        Lavender oil is often used in aromatherapy,   butter, or even oils. The possibilities are as
        the  art  of  using  scented  essential  oils  to   broad as the imagination.
        help improve mood and overall well-being.   Source:
        Many people find it therapeutic as a sleep
        aid, helping to calm the mind and relax the
        body in preparation for sleep.       are-possible-benefits-lavender-must-know-

        spotlight on superfOOds:

        There has been a recent shift in how people   Along with high amounts of protein, it
        are nourishing themselves, and looking at   contains calcium, Vitamins B-12 and D,
        foods considered “Superfoods” is at the   and folate, making it very nutrient-dense.
        forefront of this movement. Superfoods   Regularly eating Greek yogurt provides
        are those that provide a wide variety of   improved gut health, helps to rebuild and
        nutritional benefits. Food falling into this   repair muscles, and strengthens bones.
        category range from produce to protein-  Add it to smoothies or use it as a sour cream
        based foods to dairy. This month’s focus is   substitute to accompany a spicy meal. Greek
        Greek yogurt.
                                             yogurt is a food you should often enjoy as it
        Greek yogurt is considered a superfood   is one awesome superfood.
        because of the amounts of protein it
        provides compared to its counterpart   Source:
        yogurt. Greek yogurt offers almost as
        much protein as a piece of lean meat and is   greek-yoghurt-is-one-of-the-top-superfoods-of-
        something one can easily digest and absorb.
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