Page 7 - ROOT by Brock January February 22
P. 7


        Plant sterols are a group of substances   Plant sterols are present in many grains,
        found  in  plants  that  can  assist  in  lowering   vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts or seeds.
        cholesterol. Plant sterols resemble cholesterol   Be sure to eat these foods regularly, preferably
        and may help limit the amount that enters   at every meal. Making a wide variety of these
        the body. They can help reduce LDL (bad)   foods  part of  your well-balanced  diet can
        cholesterol because their molecular makeup   help maintain cholesterol levels.
        gets confused with cholesterol. As a result,   Source:
        they are absorbed in place of cholesterol as
        they move through the GI tract. Interestingly
        enough, they are present in some margarine   management/features/low-cholesterol-diet-
        and spreads. So if you are someone who uses
        these products, check the label and choose
        one that contains sterols.

                                             From the Kitchen:

                                             CRISPY BRUSSELS SPROUTS
                                             WITH A LEMON YOGURT SAUCE

                                             Yield: 4 servings                    on the baking sheet. Bake them for 15 to 18
                                                                                  minutes or until lightly charred and tender.
                                             1 lb. Brussels sprouts, fresh, trimmed,    Meanwhile, whisk together yogurt, lemon
                                             and quartered                        juice, garlic, oregano, and remaining oil.
                                             2 Tbsp. vegetable-based stock        Smear yogurt sauce over each serving plate;
                                             3 Tbsp. olive oil                    serve Brussels sprouts on top.
                                             1 cup plain Greek yogurt
                                             2 Tbsp. lemon juice                       Nutrition Information Per Serving:
                                                                                      Calories 189, Carbohydrates 14g, Fiber 4g,
                                             2 garlic cloves, minced                  Total Sugars 5g, Added Sugars 0g, Fat 12g,
                                                                                     Protein 10g, Sodium 49mg, Cholesterol 4mg
                                             ½ tsp. dried oregano
                                             Parchment paper
                                                                                  Adapted From:
                                             Preheat oven to 450°F.               yogurt-sauce/
                                             Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
                                             Toss  Brussels  sprouts  with  the  stock  and  2
                                             Tbsp. olive oil. Arrange them in a single layer
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