P. 6

                       Tidak disingkat          Disingkat          Tidak disingkat         Disingkat
                     Do not                Don’t                 Will not             Won’t
                     Does not              Doesn’t               Would not            Wouldn’t
                     Did not               Didn’t                Can not              Can’t

                     I am not              Ain’t ( non formal )  Could not            Couldn’t
                     Is not                Isn’t                 May not              Mayn’t
                     Are not               Aren’t                Might not            Mightn’t
                     Was not               Wasn’t                Must not             Mustn’t

                     Were not              Weren’t               Ought not            Oughtn’t
                     Have not              Haven’t               Need not             Needn’t
                     Has not               Hasn’t                Dare not             Daren’t
                     Had not               Hadn’t                Had not              Hadn’t
                     Shall not             Shan’t                Used not             Usedn’t
                     Should not            Shouldn’t

                 3.  Introgative Sentence ( Kalimat Introgatif / pertanyaan ) atau Yes / No Questions adalah
                    kalimat yang memiliki tanda tanya (?) yang digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu hal.

                                ( English Grammar Tata Bahasa Inggris Edisi Lengkap, Drs. Akhmad Kardimin, M.Hum  )
                    Pola Kalimat


                          DO/DOES               SUBJECT                  V1              OBJECT + ?

                              Do              I, you, they, we
                             Does               she, he, it,            study               English?

                            SUBJECT                        To Be                   OBJECT + ?
                                Am                           I                       a teacher?
                                Are                    you, they, we                 beautiful?
                                 Is                      she, he, it,                at home?

                    Untuk menjawab kalimat tanya, biasa digunakan short answer :

                      Do you study English?             Are they beautiful?           Am I a teacher?
                        Yes, I do.                         Yes, they are                  Yes, you are
                        No, I don’t                        No, They aren’t                No, you aren’t
                      Does Lisa study English           Is he at home?
                        Yes, she does                      Yes, he is
                        No, she doesn’t                    No, he isn’t

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