Page 103 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 103

Finding your Statement of Fortune begins with clearing away more of the rubbish you have accumulated over the years that"s clouding the real you.
The simpler your words the better. When you watch someone go through this process you can tell by their face as they get close. It relaxes and they light up inside. Many report it's like floating. My favorite example of this came in an email after one of my workshops. "I woke up this morning and felt like I'd lost forty pounds.”
Everyone has something that comes naturally to them. For some, it"s a talent for art or music. For others, it"s a knack for problem-solving or athletics. Unfortunately, many people never discover their natural talents because they focus on things that don't come as easily to them. If you find yourself struggling to excel in a certain area, it may be time to step back and consider what comes more naturally to you.
Create Your Statement of Fortune
To get started, make a list of the things you enjoy doing most. What are you drawn to? What do you find yourself doing even when you don't have to? When do you find yourself losing track of time when you're engaged in an activity? It"s probably something that comes naturally to you. If you love spending time outdoors, jot that down. Or, if you enjoy helping others, make a note of that. What have

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