Page 101 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 101

Polo. His mission: to search out and bring art to the world. Today Ralph Lauren has a net worth of over eight billion dollars.
'!I challenge the status quo and design products that are beautiful and user friendly,” did mean the world to Steve Jobs. That"s what he did.
How did he do it? By producing computers and phones and subsequently much more that met his standards.
!We change the world through stories,” does mean the world to the founders of TED talks.
Once you have your Statement of Fortune, if you find yourself at a crossroads you can ask yourself, "If I take this path will I be following my Statement of Fortune or not?" If the answer is !Yes,” you"re on track. For example, before I knew my Statement of Fortune, if a friend said, !Hey, Nick, let"s open a fish and chip shop?” There"s a chance I might have said, !Sure. Why not?” But now, I can look at my Statement of Fortune and say, !No thanks. That"s not what I do.” Once you !get it” things have a habit of falling into place.
Separate What You Do from How You Do It
As you"ve just seen, there"s a big difference between what you do, your Purpose: and how you do it, your job or calling. For many people their purpose for working might be just to make money to pay the bills. How they make that

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