Page 99 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
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my undoing, and now it"s my Edge—and my pledge. I don't know why. It just comes naturally. I love it and I"m good at it. It"s as if I was born to do it."
This is a true story. Except I"ve changed the names and, as of writing this, Susan doesn"t just produce and manage trade shows; she also runs seminars and training programs for the agricultural sector. Beat that!
I found my own Statement of Fortune when I was fifty- two. Until then no matter what I did, something was always missing. Thinking back it felt like I"d spent half my life at school standing in the corridor. Whenever a teacher said something that had the class looking confused I"d pipe-up and say, !Why don't you just say X and we"ll all get it.” I was doing what came naturally but the teachers were never amused.
On one occasion, the teacher was trying to explain what the hypotenuse was in Pythagoras theorem. Everyone was baffled and I said it's like a ladder leaning against a wall.
!Nicky Boothman! Corridor. I"ve told you not to call out.”
My Statement of Fortune? I make complicated concepts sound simple and interesting. How do I do that? By writing books and giving speeches. Today I get paid for doing the things I got punished for at school.
Your Statement of Fortune is for your eyes only. It"s a simple way to start over, stay focused and inspired. It allows

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