Page 98 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 98

!My Statement of Fortune pointed me in the right direction and from that moment on I just needed to ask myself, %Am doing it now or not?"$If I was doing it, there was joy. Opportunities appeared and doors opened, and I acted on them. It was almost scary at first. If I wasn't doing it I"d drift off track. When I crafted my Statement of Fortune it was like an all-access, backstage pass to fresh opportunities. Opportunities began appearing like buses. All I had to do was choose the ones that were going my way, flag them down and jump on board.”
Susan"s Statement of Fortune?
!I challenge people to imagine wild, new ideas.”
How does she do that?
"By producing and managing trade shows for the agricultural sector."
Today, Susan gets paid for doing the things she used to get ridiculed for at home.
!Hello, I"m Susan Carpenter, I help farmers stay competitive in the global market by letting them see, up- close, what the competition is doing.”
"How do you do that?"
"I produce and manage trade shows for the agricultural sector."
"What makes you able to do that so well?"
"Can I let you into a little secret? All my life I've challenged people to imagine wild, new ideas. It used to be

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