Page 97 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 97

!This is it,” Susan said as her truths revealed themselves and the words came to her, !this is what I do. I can"t help it. This is me.”
Six years later I was giving a keynote speech at The International Plaza Convention Center in Toronto. I"d just got off the escalator when someone called my name.
!Hey, Nick.”
I turned.
!You don"t remember me, do you?” The woman looked familiar.
!Help me out,” I said.
!It"s me. Susan.”
!What are you doing here?” I asked.
!I manage three teams at the Ministry of Agriculture and they"re running public focus groups here today. I"m wandering from room to room keeping an eye on them.” Susan laughed. !It"s been incredible,” she said. !When I recognized that I was the only person who could change my life l became incredibly focused and confident and, believe it or not, I started talking to strangers. That was magic. Really scary for the first couple of times but then it was like finding Christmas presents all over the place and opening them. It got me out of the house and into a job with a title: Field Information Officer. We analyze soil samples to optimize plant growth.”

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