Page 95 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 95

a great idea and I get mad that I didn"t come up with an idea like that myself.”
I pointed out that he was probably defining !competitive” not !negative”. He was relieved to get closer to his true self.
The truth is there"s no such thing as a negative attribute, only positive ones turned upside down by time and circumstance.
Find Your Edge
In March 2001 a Canadian organization called WRED, Women and Rural Economic Development, contacted me to produce a program to reveal hidden strengths in women. My team and I had spent three years developing a project designed to cast-off constraining beliefs and reveal liberating natural-born strengths in men and women. We called the project Purpose Quest.
Although the techniques were developed for all types of people, WRED aimed their program at women living in particularly belligerent surroundings (though men could attend if they wanted). Many of their lives were changed immediately.
A troubled woman in her late thirties, Susan, attended one of these workshops. She lived on her husband"s family farm thirty miles north of Toronto. It was her duty to cook, clean, shop and wait on her in-laws, mother, father, brother

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