Page 94 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 94

!creative” and !organized” when, if you dig a little deeper, you discover that when they say caring, what they actually mean is !vigilant.” When they say !creative” when what they really mean is !inventive.” And by !organized” they may really mean !methodical”.
This may seem like splitting hairs, but a caring, creative, organized person is not the same person as a vigilant, inventive, methodical person. This becomes more obvious when you look at the negative words people use to describe themselves. Words like !I am %shy",” “I"m %negative",” “I am %antisocial".” You weren"t born that way. If someone believes these descriptions of themselves, just imagine the catastrophic consequences of decisions made based on these beliefs. How can anyone be true to themselves if they don"t know who they are to begin with?
A young firefighter called Jackson once told me he was shy. His mother called him shy when he was growing up. !Oh yes, Jackson"s such a shy boy.” “Oh, Jackson. Stop being so shy!” Well, jeepers. Hearing this over and over, the seeds are sown. When Jackson discovers there"s no such thing as shy—that it"s not a natural-born attribute—and that he"s actually !cautious and reserved,” which are good things, his negative self-esteem stops holding him back and he"s able to move along a different, stronger path.
!People say I"m negative,” Mehdi, an electrician, explained, !I"ll be in a meeting and someone comes up with

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