Page 92 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 92

eloquence; a flair for languages, drawing or music, etc.— whatever you’ll need.
Once you are filled to the brim with your attributes and talents, you are ready to be born. But here's the catch: just before you leave, the powers-that-be tear up your slip of paper and wipe your conscious memory. So, you find yourself here, knowing deep down you are uniquely equipped for something special, but you haven't got a clue what it is.
Not consciously at least.
In this step you will find out what was written on your imaginary slip of paper—your Statement of Fortune, your thing. You’ll strip away the limiting thought patterns and habits you’ve accumulated over the years and replace them with an accurate description of who you are and what you have to offer.
Fortune is a beautiful word with many connotations: luck, future, fate, chance, destiny, wealth and blessed. The word springs from the Latin word Fortuna, the Goddess of Chance. When you know precisely what your thing is, she presents you with an ongoing chain of chance encounters and lucky breaks where one good thing leads to another.
Your Statement of Fortune is a powerful touchstone to return to whenever you need guidance or motivation. It will keep you anchored in your truth and remind you of who you are and what you're meant to do in this world. Do you remember the story at the beginning of the book about

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