Page 91 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 91

Step 3 Find Your Thing
Imagine in your mind’s eye that a few moments before you were born, you’d found yourself in a line-up with a slip of paper in your hand. On that paper you had written down, in one short phrase, the reason you deserved to be born. The reason would be something of benefit to humanity. I call this phrase your Statement of Fortune. This is “your thing.”
This is obviously not a true story. It’s a parable, a linguistic device used to convey a moral message. The "Statement of Fortune" is a metaphor a way of comparing something difficult to understand with something more familiar to help understand it better.
When you get to the front of the line, the powers-that- be look at your slip of paper and either say, "Not good enough, go back and try again," or “Great, very good, you can be born.”
Armed with your Statement of Fortune they send you over to the "To-Be-Born Department" to be fitted out with all the attributes and talents you’ll need to do your thing. Depending on what you’ve written they might grant you patience, caring, courage, humor, organizational skills,

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