Page 107 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 107

!The reason I"ve come here today is to share with you something that I did wrong when I took this workshop. I resisted. When I got the words right, after spending hours asking questions and writing out pages and pages to end up with such an obvious phrase, I actually said out loud to the whole group, %You mean to say I actually paid money and came all this way to end up with something so trite and simple? I expected more than this: it can"t be right. But I"ve come to tell you it was right. It was simple--so simple I couldn"t believe it. Nick told us all it could take weeks for what we"d done that day to fully click, to go right into our systems and start flowing, and for us to get it. It will come in its own time. I left feeling cheated. But, less than two weeks later I woke up in tears. I crept into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and this voice from inside me just kept whispering, %Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God."$ And I got it. I was crying with happiness. And I couldn"t even put into words what I"d’ ‘got’”’.
Everyone in the room was staring at Ben. He continued.
!Your Statement of Fortune will be simple, it will be obvious and it will set you free. I also came here to warn you that if you tell your words to anyone else outside of this room before it hits you, you"ll dilute their power, and they will seem nothing and trivial. Your Statement of Fortune belongs inside you, inside your mind, not outside and spoken: the words are trivial outside of you.”

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