Page 108 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 108

!Once you get it, things start to flow in ways that even Nick"s metaphors can"t explain. In the beginning you notice them: after a while they will just become part of your FlowPath.”
He paused for so long a couple of people started clapping. He softly motioned for them to wait. !Caring and protecting have always been inside me. The difference came when an image of a shepherd flashed across my imagination when I was defining myself. That was the seed that grew into what I do today. My Purpose? I shepherd lost souls. How do I do it? By running a bakery that employs young adults who"ve served time in prison. And I figured out my fresh approach. Most of them are touchy-feely, kinesthetic folk who flunked out of our visual-based school system. I read how, although we use all our senses to take in the world around us, about half of the population primarily rely on what they see to make sense of the world, about one-third rely on touch and physical sensation and the rest rely on the way things sound. The bakery is the perfect kinesthetic place to prepare them to do what comes naturally. It's all hands-on, mixing, kneading, forming, cleaning, teamwork, planning, talking to strangers and handling money. So that"s what I focus on. They learn the literal and spiritual meanings of %Give us this day our daily bread."$ Anyway, I just thought I should let you know. Thanks.”

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