Page 12 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 12

Wendy's vast knowledge on the topic comes from— among other things-opening and running a successful model agency at eighteen, serving an eight-year term as a university governor, and from a series of televised events in the nineties called "The Secrets of Talented Women" where, in each episode, four super successful women from all walks of life shared their secrets and answered questions from the audience.
All of this sounds wonderful, but the more we waded into our new project the more we heard from people who said they'd love to do their own thing and make a fresh start but always had excuses why they didn't do anything about it. I guess we shouldn't have been surprised. According to a new report by the Conference Board, the New York-based non-profit research group, 52.3% of North Americans are unhappy at work. Unhappy at work means unhappy at home. In a massive report released by Gallup based on data from 230,000 full-time and part-time workers in 142 countries, there are twice as many “actively disengaged” workers in the world as there are “engaged” workers who love their jobs. The vast majority, some 63%, are “not engaged. They’re checked out. They sleepwalk through their days, putting little energy into their work.” They play out old patterns and go around in circles.
We began by identifying the top ten reasons that prevent people from doing their own thing when they are unhappy with their lives.

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