Page 14 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 14

Next, we looked at those who were living the fairytale life. Using our NLP qualifications we elicited the unconscious mental strategies, self-talk styles and common threads of successful fresh-starters. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. It is a method of communication and personal development that aims to understand how language and patterns of behavior impact our experiences and can be used to achieve personal and professional goals. In particular we focused on how they use language to motivate and demotivate themselves and others all day long without realizing it.
We interviewed entrepreneurs and tech start-up people who were changing the world. We listened to men, women and teens who came back after being kicked in the teeth by fate and forced to start over. We heard from jaded professionals, production line workers, first responders, and others in uniform who’d managed to start over and bring purpose, projects and passion into their lives.
We compared our findings with over two hundred people for whom life (and frequently work) was still a struggle and posited the question, “Is it possible to move from being a Struggler to living a Purpose-Powered life?”
The answer was a resounding, “Yes.”
If you really need to.
One aspect of our work that’s important to me, and that contributed to the success of my previous books, is that we strive to make complicated concepts sound simple

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