Page 13 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 13

1. Fear of the unknown: they're comfortable with the familiar and hesitant to venture into uncharted territory
2. Fear of failure
3. Lack of resources: starting afresh may require financial or other resources that they may not have access to, making it difficult to take action
4. Limited social support: lack of support from friends and family
5. Societal expectations about success and the stigma surrounding failure makes it difficult for them to take risks and make changes in their lives
6. Fear of losing what they have: they are hesitant to give up what they have, even if they are unhappy, out of fear of losing what they have worked hard for
7. Emotional attachment to their current situation, such as a job or relationship, even if it's not making them happy
8. Lack of motivation, especially if they are feeling overwhelmed or depressed
9. Belief in fate: the belief that their destiny is predetermined or out of their hands, making it harder for them to take control of their lives and make changes
10.Comfort zone: they are comfortable in their current situation, despite feeling unhappy, and are not prepared to disrupt their routine or habits.

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