Page 133 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 133

on track when faced with distractions and obstacles.
In addition to guiding you towards flow, focus, and unforeseen opportunities, your FlowPass will keep you grounded and true to yourself. By reflecting on your values and priorities, you can make more conscious and intentional decisions, and you can stay true to your authentic self, even in the face of external pressures and expectations.
Just a Few Catchy Words
A well-crafted FlowPass answers questions like: what"s you’re all about? Why are you chasing this crazy idea? Why should I do business with/hire/care/sponsor/date you?
Let"s say I"m on a plane and someone asks, !So, what do you do?”
My own FlowPass goes like this.
I say in a super-conversational tone, !You know how some people have trouble connecting and communicating face-to-face?”
!Sure.” The person replies. because it"s true and obvious.
!Well, I write books and give speeches that make it sound really simple and interesting so they can meet more people and find fresh opportunities.”
I’ve just told them what I do, who I do it for, how I do it, what makes my approach different and what the benefits

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