Page 142 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 142

!Hello, Mister Nicko.”
Meeting her after eight years was a big surprise. I remember her as this bossy teenager back in the day, living in a tiny fishing village and always hanging around the local store but she was a whole different person now.
There she was, standing right in front of me, all stylishly dressed and radiating confidence. It was like witnessing a butterfly emerge from its cocoon.
Turns out, she’s been living in Geneva working for the U.N. as a translator. It just goes to show you never know what life has in store for you. One minute, she’s helping out at a fishing village store, and the next, she’s hobnobbing with diplomats in Geneva.
She explained she"d been reading a magazine on a flight and noticed the credits on the cover photo and tracked me down. We made small talk for a while then she told me her father Antonio died of a heart attack two years ago while carrying a fifty-liter keg of beer. A few months later Casilda made a fresh start turning the Hole-in-the-Wall into a real estate office and today she has two offices and four agents reporting to her.
I told her I was leaving for Canada in couple of days. For good.
“Good timing then,” she laughed. “Go figure.”
She reached into the string bag and pulled out a small photo album.

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