Page 144 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 144

!That night you were given a letter and for whatever reason you left it behind on the table where you were eating and very much boozing.”
!That was a very emotional night for me.”
!This girl,” she said pointing to the girl in the car,
“delivered a letter to you. A child in a soccer shirt?”
!Sorry, I don"t know.”
!This is Lara. Thomas"$daughter. She was six back then. I rescued the letter from the garbage. The next day I went to find you, but you"d disappeared up to Lisbon. I showed it to my mother, and she showed it to my father, and he said the mail was sacred and I must find a way to deliver it to you. So we kept it on the shelf behind the telephone so we wouldn"t forget it. After my father passed away, we opened it. It was a simple note,” she said, !but it held so much promise. It spoke of waking up and new beginnings, of starting over, of forgetting the past and embracing the future.”
!So you have it here? Now?”
She nodded and turned the page. There it was, neatly stuffed into a photo sleeve. A white, wine-stained envelope with Nicko written in a large flourishing script.
!May I?” I went to take it out, but Francisca whipped the album away put it back in the string bag. I was about to speak, but she put a finger across her lips for me to be quiet.

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