Page 145 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 145

“I opened it and read it.” She blushed and her chin trembled. “I’m sorry. I’m ashamed.”
“Hey. Finders keepers.” I put my hand on hers. She made a tight smile and shook her head. “It’s ok. Go on.”
“At first, I paid little attention to it because it seemed so ... well, so nothing. But as time passed I began to wonder what it could mean. It kept drawing me back to read it again. Each time it meant more: it kind of grew inside me. Yes, I know, that sounds stupid. It was like a secret code that made me feel I could do anything. Was it a joke? Was it a sign, a message from God, a clean slate in life, free from mistakes and regrets. I dismissed it as rubbish, just some crazy person's fantasy, but still I couldn’t shake my curiosity.”
'!Wow, you sure do speak good English,” I said.
!Yes, just as well because the letter was in English. Remember we learned together? Nicko, it was meant for you, but I followed its message for myself, and it changed everything. I"m doing what I love now.”
I didn"t know what she was talking about, but I was moved.
!Then my mum followed it too and now she loves, loves, loves what she"s doing.”
!So now I found you and—” She opened the string bag and took out the little album again placed it on the table and

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