Page 143 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 143

!I put this together for you specially,” she said, turning the album around so I could see it properly. She began flipping the pages slowly. First were some snaps of the village. It had changed quite a bit and she had to explain where things were. Then came a few snaps of Casilda and her office. Then a snapshot of Thomas waving from the Oldsmobile with a young girl in the passenger seat. Francisca pointed to the girl.
!Remember her?”
!Should I?”
She flicked forward to a couple of shots of the girl in the car; one in the sea waving at the camera, the other cracking a lobster at what looked like a barbecue on the beach.
!Still no? She"s a few years older here than when you last saw her.”
!Still no.”
Francesca was obviously happy to meet up but her excited body language and lack of eye contact were sending mixed messages. Then she said, !I have a confession to make.”
!Do you remember the night before you left?” !Very much so, actually."$

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