Page 146 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 146

covered it with her hand. !Here. Better late than never: but with a string attached.”
!What are you talking about?”
!The album is yours, but you must promise me you won"t open it until you are in the air on the plane on your way to your new life.” She was being pretty dramatic.
!Nicko, I know what"s in there, and opening it now while you"re packing and running around and doing whatever you"re doing will ruin its effect. Trust me or not, you must promise me. Please, Nicko.”
!Okay. I promise.”
We reminisced a while more then she said it was time to
go. I called for the cheque.
“One thing: Thomas’ wife? I don’t see her in any of these pictures.”
“She walked out when Lara was three. Said she didn’t want to be a wife, or a mother.”
I settled up, then unable to think of anything useful to say I took the envelope out of the album and put it in my back pocket and handed the album back to her.
“Thanks. I don’t need this.”
In August 1975, I boarded a Canadian Pacific flight from Lisbon to Toronto. In my pocket was US$400, the maximum allowed by the currency restrictions imposed by

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