Page 171 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 171

Ask yourself, how can I stand out from the rest? Is there a persona or some little touch of style I can create for myself?
All Relationships are Built on Trust
Learning to formally greet strangers in different settings, whether you"re waiting tables or working a convention floor requires you to connect with them on three levels: trust, logic and emotion. That means a trusting first impression, indisputable logic, and a tug at the heart strings. Your stranger has to feel, I trust you, you make sense, and you move me. Trust comes first.
7 Tips for Instant Cooperation
1. Adjust your attitude to fit the situation before you approach stranger because your attitude not only drives your behavior; it drives theirs. Welcoming, curious, enthusiastic and resourceful are really useful attitudes.
2. Speak in positives because when you say what you mean it makes cooperation easy. (“Rest assured” instead of “Don’t worry,” “You are welcome,” instead of “No problem,” “Call me with any questions about delivery,” instead of “Don’t hesitate to call.”)
3. Make eye contact because you can’t create trust without it. The same goes for open body language—open hands, uncrossed arms, etc.

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