Page 172 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 172

4. Give feedback, physical and spoken (nod, say “I see” etc.), it makes the person feel understood and gets them to open up.
5. Make sure you’re congruent—that your voice, tone, body language and your words are all saying the same thing. Mixed messages (like smirking when you’re angry) cause confusion and destroy trust.
6. Be on the lookout for opportunities to say “Me, too” (or “What a coincidence,” or “Funny you should say that”). There’s no faster way to engender trust and build bonds than by finding common ground.
7. Use the word “because” (“have you thought about incorporating this because....”) Automatic response is based on reason, or at least the appearance of reason.
Talk to a stranger today! Strike up a conversation with
someone in line at the grocery store, say hello to a passerby on the street, or strike up a conversation with someone you've never met before at a social event. It can be as simple as asking a cashier how their day is going or asking a stranger at the fruit counter how can you tell if a pineapple is ripe. You never know what kind of interesting and unexpected connections you might make. So count to three, be friendly, and take a chance on meeting someone new today!

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