Page 170 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 170

impression?” “What do you think of the view from the observation deck?”—anything to get them going. Another rapport-creating question is !How did you end up here?” This is a story that everybody has to tell, and it"s almost guaranteed to get a conversation started.
Get Them Talking and Keep Them Talking
Make a short statement about the location or occasion: “I hear San Diego’s a great place.”
Then ask an open question, one that begins with who, why, what, where, when or how. “If I only had six hours what should I see?”
Give spoken and physical feedback. Nod and look interested.
Make Yourself Memorable
What good is meeting someone for the first time, creating a favorable impression and establishing rapport if two weeks later the person has forgotten you? Give other people a reason to remember you and they will.
The mind delights in making connections. You"ll remember that face-to-face communication was broken up into 55% the way we look, 38% the way we sound and 7% the actual words we use. Think of examples of individuals and their !trademark” look. List them below.

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