Page 202 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 202

Opening a FlowPath is like learning to drive a car and to follow traffic lights until the driving and arriving become second nature. In this traffic light analogy, the red light represents the things you are going to stop doing, the green represents the things you are going to start doing, and the amber light the things you are going to continue doing.
You've come a long way and gained valuable insight about yourself. It's now time to consolidate your learnings and take action towards a new beginning. To facilitate this process, I suggest creating a Stop, Start, Continue list. This is a simple yet highly effective tool for guiding you on to your FlowPath. Here are some practical steps you can take to get started.
Divide a large sheet of paper or card into three columns and name them Stop, Start and Continue. You can use the template on the next page to jot down and cross off items as they occur to you.
Begin by skimming back through this book and including all we’ve been through. This will keep the actions top of mind. See the example on the next page. You can use the designated pages at the end of the book.
In the "Stop" column you’re going to list all the behaviors or actions that are no longer serving you and may be hindering your progress. These are the things that you want to eliminate or reduce in your life. Examples might include procrastination, negative self-talk, or certain habits that are harmful to your health or wellbeing. Add to the list

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