Page 203 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 203

whenever something comes up you want to stop and cross off items when they are under control.
"Start" refers to new behaviors or actions you want to incorporate into your life in order to achieve your goals or improve your situation. Besides what we have covered so far your list might include:
• Writing letters of forgiveness to people you’ve held grudges against (even if you don’t send them)
• Listing who you should tell about your fresh start in order to keep you motivated and accountable
• Deciding how you are going to use your statement of purpose as you take the plunge into your fresh start
• Declutteringyourlivingspaceandgettingridofanything that no longer serves you. This will help you feel more organized and in control of your life
• Creating a budget that will help you manage your finances and make smart choices about how you spend your money.
• Developingaself-careroutinethatincludeshealthyhabits like exercise, meditation, and good sleep hygiene. Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential to starting fresh
• Networkingwithpeoplewhoshareyourinterestsandcan support you in your new journey. Join groups or clubs, attend events, and reach out to people in your field

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