Page 204 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 204

• Taking courses or workshops to develop new skills that will help you in your new life. This can be anything from learning a new language to taking a course in a new field.
• Identifying potential obstacles that could get in the way of your goals, and come up with strategies to overcome them
• Takingaction:startsmall,andgraduallybuildmomentum as you gain confidence and experience.
Remember, a fresh start is all about creating a new beginning for yourself. By taking practical steps to prepare for this new chapter, you can increase your chances of success and fulfillment.
"Continue" refers to the behaviors or actions you are currently doing well and you want to continue doing in order to maintain your progress and achieve your goals.
When creating a Stop, Start, Continue list, it's important to put the chart somewhere you alone can see it. This serves two important purposes:
First, by keeping the chart in a private location, you are creating a sense of ownership over your goals and your plan for achieving them. You are signaling to yourself that these changes are personal, and that you are committed to making them happen.
Second, by keeping the chart visible and accessible, you are reminding yourself of your goals and your plan on a

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