Page 30 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 30

engaging us with likes, comments and shares. They trigger our empathy by showing us things that stir up our emotions, be it a heart-wrenching story about an animal in need, a gruesome traffic accident or a video of a couple getting engaged. And they capture our imaginations by teasing our senses with tantalizing glimpses of exciting opportunities we might be missing out on, so we can't help but keep coming back. This compare-and-contrast game feeds into people's insecurities by constantly bombarding them with ads and content that tell them they need to look a certain way or have certain things in order to be happy.
In the midst of this contemporary landscape, another force makes its presence felt—the realm of pornography. Here, the assault on all four Primal Powers manifests in a direct and potent manner. It strikes at the very core of our being, captivating us on multiple levels simultaneously. Our curiosity is tantalized, our desire for feedback is amplified, our empathy is provoked, and our imaginations are set ablaze. It is a potent cocktail of stimuli that leaves many powerless to resist its allure.
Of course, this is not really trickery: Primal Powers are prime elements of a FlowPath, and social media has learned how to hijack them and use them against you. When dishonored in this way, they are demons of distraction: honored, they are sentinels of synchronicity and serendipity.

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