Page 32 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 32

Ignite Curiosity
Curiosity makes us human—it's why we ask questions, seek knowledge, and keep exploring new possibilities. We are curious creatures because our identities are not fixed but are growing every day, thanks to all the experiences we accumulate and those daring leaps of faith that help us discover who we are.
Here are eleven great ways to re-ignite your curiosity, and you can start this right now. Pick three and experiment withthemforaweek. Themoreyoupickthebetteryou"ll get.
1. Be open to new experiences and new people.
2. Ask more open questions—those that begin with Who? What? Why? Where? When? and How?
3. Pay attention to your surroundings and get curious about the new things you see each day.
4. Talk to people you don't know well and learn more about their lives.
5. Read books and articles on topics that interest you.
6. Experiment with new things and visit new places, whether it's trying a new type of food or taking a different route home.
7. Take on new challenges, even if they scare you.
8. Ask yourself "what if" questions—and then answer them. Keep asking until you figure out something

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