Page 31 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 31

A FlowPath is a big self-correcting feedback-loop balancing our flow for the beauty, nourishment and flourishment of life. Inside the flow one thing always leads to another and everyday miracles appear out-of-the-blue. It"s what the Ancients called a FlowPath, and it"s unique in every person. Inside your FlowPath you will always be supplied with what you need; that"s its job. But it"s your job to supply yourself with what you want.
While there are certainly many benefits to using social media, it is also important to recognize the seductive powers that these platforms can have.
Over the years our Primal Powers can take a buffeting and get knocked out of whack; some even fizzle out completely. For some people their childlike curiosity shuts down when they think they know everything, or when they"re told repeatedly by their parents, teachers or authorities to stop asking so many questions. The ability to process feedback and deal with life's inevitable changes erodes when our horizons become obscured by habits. Empathy gets numbed by the nightly news, and imaginations end up fueling our fears leaving us unable to reach for the stars no matter how strong our need for change or escape.
Such is the might of Primal Powers when they work against you. Just imagine what you can achieve when turn this around and make them work for you.

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