Page 33 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 33

interesting to do with the idea. For example: What if we could travel through time? How would it change our understanding of history and the future. What if we could communicate with animals? How would it change our relationship with them and the environment. What if we could control the weather? How would it change agriculture, transportation, and the environment? What if we could eliminate poverty? How would it change the distribution of wealth?
9. Be a detective. Visit places you know really well and notice something you haven’t seen before.
10.Ask great questions—what type of tree is this? what style of architecture is this church? Why is this restaurant always full and the one next to it often empty?
11.Look up words you’ve read but aren’t familiar with and find out what they mean.
Ignite Feedback
Anyone who has ever received feedback knows it’s not always easy to take. Whether it’s criticism of our work or our personal behavior, hearing that we need to improve can be tough to swallow. However, if we want to grow and develop, it’s important that we learn to welcome feedback and process it effectively.
1. Listen with an open mind. One of the most important things to do when receiving feedback is to stop, look and

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