Page 61 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 61

to picture yourself overcoming your fears and accomplishing great things. You can use it to visualize success, happiness, and all the possibilities that life has to offer.
Sometimes, the risks we take are calculated and thought through. Other times, the risks we take are more spontaneous. But no matter what kind of risk it is, there"s always a chance for something great—or something terrible —to happen.
Smart Risk or Dumb Risk?
See for yourself. Using the suggested ideas on the graphic on the next page get to know that gut feeling you get when you see that the answers to those questions now seems obvious. Then consider a risk you are considering and feed it in. Simple.
Desperation is a Mighty Driver
Desperation can push us to take action in the face of adversity or difficulty, even when we feel like giving up. When we are desperate, we’re more willing to take risks or try new approaches, because the stakes feel higher, and the consequences of inaction are more severe.

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