Page 59 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 59

• People with a positive style are 13% less likely to have a heart attack than those with a negative style
• 80%ofthehumanpopulationisinherentlyoptimistic
• Optimistic men and women are more than 50% more likely to reach eighty-five than their negative counterparts
• Pessimists are five times more likely to get burned out than optimists
• Optimists are six times more likely to be highly engaged at work than pessimists
The way we talk to ourselves has a powerful impact on how we think and feel. When we have a negative view of ourselves, we tend to be more likely to make excuses and avoid taking responsibility. With a positive view of ourselves, we are more likely to accept responsibility and learn from our mistakes.
10. Take Smart Risks
There are a lot of things that can hold us back: fear, self-doubt or just not knowing where to start. It's easy to get bogged down in those feelings and let them keep us from trying new things.
In 2020 I spoke to a room packed full of engineers at The Venetian, the biggest hotel in Las Vegas. The topic— Risk and Rapport by Design: a speech about rallying and inspiring customers and employees.

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