Page 57 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 57

Nelson wasn’t good at processing feedback. It began well, but soon the app started having problems and Nelson kept spending time and money to fix it. He ignored the signals thinking he just needed to work harder. But things got worse, and he ended up depressed, isolated, and in debt. Finally, the app crashed completely, and Nelson realized that he should have quit earlier. In the end, his stubbornness and refusal to process feedback cost him everything.
Turning back means acknowledging that the choices or actions you've taken so far may not have worked out, and that it's time to try a different approach. It means being willing to take a step back, reassess where you are, and make a new plan.
9. Learn Optimism
In his classic work, Learned Optimism, Dr. Martin Seligman describes a condition where some humans have learned to behave helplessly even though they are surrounded by opportunities to help themselves.
Consider this. a pessimist walks down an alley, and an apple drops on his head.
!Bad things happen to me all the time wherever I am,” the pessimist says to himself. !I"m unlucky.”
An optimist walks down the same alley, and an apple drops on her head. !Some idiot dropped an apple on my head,” she says to herself, and that"s the end of it.

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